I should have known better, just when you think everything is going perfect something has to screw things up. Well this is no different.
When I tried to test fit the sail into the new mast it was too big, I looked at the sail and it had the tell tale AL on it so I knew the sail wasn't to big, which meant... you guessed it, the mast and boom were too small. I had been had, ripped off, hood winked, conned... Now I really don't think it was done on purpose. I really think the guy thought he had an Albacore which obviously didn't. I am not sure what type of boat it was but I can be sure that I should have been more careful.
Let chalk it up to experience and move on shall we :)
With this newest setback and winter arriving in short order I was saddened that my dream of fixing and sailing the boat that summer was not to come true.
I proceeded to wrap the boat up and store it for the winter, which ended up turning in to 5 years.
How did one winter turn into 5 years? Well it's really quite simple. I ended up getting a job out of town and I was now renting so I was not able to store the boat
with me and besides I still didn't have a trailer. The town I moved to is not know for it's sailing conditions and given the cost of everything involved
(trailer, mast, boom, club membership) I figured out that the boat was just going to have to wait.
Then my wife and I ended getting jobs back in my home town (known for it's sailing) and then we bought our house. So here we are, almost completely up to
date on this saga, I don't know what started me searching for a mast and boom again this year but something did. My wife noticed me staring at the lake
one day as we drove by it and she said "You want to go sailing don't you", I don't think it was really a question. I guess it was with that statement my wife gave
me a mental kick in the butt to get work on my boat going again.
The boat is still sitting in my parents yard where it was put 5 years ago, there is some small paint chips that need to be touched up but nothing a few mins
of light sanding and painting won't fix. I need to still put in place the centreboard gasket, check the rigging, get some lines and get the mast and boom,
oh and I still need a trailer.
The good news is that I was able to locate both a mast and boom. The mast is being brought up from the US early next week and the boom I have to pick up later
this month. It almost took me the entire month to find these two important pieces of equiptment.
Now I just need to borrow a trailer until the end of the season and I will be able to get the boat in the water.
I will continue to update this site as things develop on the boat and on my site.