Monday, July 10, 2006

Centreboard Gasket Fiasco

I don't know what else to call it. I originally got my centreboard gasket from the sailloft in Kingston years ago and glued it in place. It was a piece of thick Mylar that was recommended to me by someone. Well in the intervening years that Mylar bit vanished. I went back to the Sail Loft and they don't use it anymore, so I was at a loss. I could buy some centreboard gasket but the smallest size was 3" which meant I was going to be tossing out about half of it and at almost $2 a foot I wasn't impressed. The whole problem stems from me not wanting to put screws into the hull to hold a fabric gasket in place.

Well I finally gave up and accepted that I was going to have to do this because I was not able to find the Mylar. Looking for it put me about 2 weeks behind schedule. So I went back to the Sail Loft and got some pre folded sail tape for a wicked price. Andrew and John are great guys and I strongly recommend them to anyone. So after a trip to the Sail Loft, The metal store for some aluminum strips and the hardware store for 1/2 and 3/4 inch stainless wood screws everything is ready to go. I will be attaching the Gasket this upcoming weekend.

I'll let you know what happens


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